Reverse logistics of Indian E-Commerce Industry- Consumer Perspective and Ways to Improve
Avinash Kumar Pathak1, Neeraj Joshi2, Rajesh Kumar3

1Avinash Kumar Pathak*, Student, NMIMS, Mumbai, India.
2Neeraj Joshi, Student, NMIMS, Mumbai, India.
3Rajesh Kumar, Professor, IFIM Bengaluru, India.
Manuscript received on August 08, 2020. | Revised Manuscript received on August 13, 2020. | Manuscript published on August 15, 2020. | PP: 41-49 | Volume-4 Issue-12, August 2020. | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijmh.L10930841220 | DOI: 10.35940/ijmh.L1093.0841220
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Abstract: The modern supply chain has become complex and multi-locational, and efficient movement of material contributing to business success. The industry that deals with the movement of goods from one point to another is known as the logistics industry. Reverse logistic is a process of moving materials back from their consumer destination to their point of manufacturer or the distribution center in order to recapture their value for redistribution, or to dispose them properly. The movement of goods backwards in the supply chain is as important as the movement of goods forward in the supply chain. With the introduction of ecommerce and increase in the footprint of digitalization, the expectations of the consumers and the industries have reached an all-time high. We have used customer survey to know their perspective and then we have analyzed and visualized the data using Tableau. This research paper will focus on the Indian ecommerce industry and how end-consumers think differently than the industry, and how the gap in the quality of service is too wide between tier-1 cities and tier-2 or tier- 3 cities. We have used our data to analyze and find how can big data and blockchain help these industries in finding modern day solutions.
Keywords: Logistics, E-commerce, supply chain, big data analytics, blockchain, reverse logistics, secondary logistics.