
Analysis of Promotional Media Strategies on Customer Decisions in CV. Arfina Music Prabumulih City
Hafiz Arief Nur Rahmansah1, Zakaria Wahab2, Marlina Widiyanti3

1Hafiz Arief Nur Rahmansah*, Candidate Master of Management in Magister Management University of Sriwijaya, Indonesia.
2Dr. Zakaria Wahab, M.B.A. Lecturers in Faculty Economic University of Sriwijaya, Indonesia.
3Hj. Marlina Widiyanti, S.E., S.H., M.M., Ph.D. Lecturers in Faculty Economic University of Sriwijaya and Head of the Study Program Magister Management, Indonesia.
Manuscript received on December 05, 2018. | Revised Manuscript received on December 08, 2018. | Manuscript published on December 15, 2018. | PP: 12-16 | Volume-3 Issue-7, December 2018. | Retrieval Number: H0225123718
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Abstract: This research examined the variables of social media and word of mouth on customer decisions. The data used in this study was primary data obtained through a survey of 145 respondents selected randomly through non probability sampling techniques. This study used multiple linear regression analysis which found that social media variables had a positive but not significant effect while variables word of mouth had a positive and significant effect on customer decisions.
Keywords: Promotion, social media, word of mouth, customer decisions.