Figurative Language of Song Lyrics in Akimoto Yasushi’s Works Sung by Keyakizaka46
Fairuz1, Lani Lestari2

1Fairuz, Department of Cultural Sciences, Cultural Sciences/Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia.

2Lani Lestari, Department of Cultural Sciences, Cultural Sciences/Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia.

Manuscript received on 30 April 2024 | Revised Manuscript received on 11 May 2024 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 May 2024 | Manuscript published on 30 May 2024 | PP: 8-17 | Volume-10 Issue-9, May 2024 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijmh.I170810090524 | DOI: 10.35940/ijmh.I1708.10090524

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Abstract: The language used in song lyrics generally has an aesthetic, poetic style of language that contains meaning to entertain the audience. Song lyrics are a place for an author to express feelings about his experiences or the other people’s lives. In a song lyric, the words are selected and adjusted so that the meaning and message of the song lyrics reaches the audience directly or indirectly. Indirectly conveying song content usually uses figurative language or figurative words such as conceptual metaphors. This study aims to describe the meaning and types of conceptual metaphors found in 3 song lyrics by Akimoto Yasushi performed by the idol group Keyakizaka46. Most of the songs created by Akimoto performed by Keyakizaka46 have the theme of differences and disputes, they performed the song without showing a smile, this is one of the uniqueness of Keyakizaka46. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. The theory used is Lakoff & Johnson’s conceptual metaphor theory. The results of the study found 13 metaphors, consisting of 6 types of structural metaphors, 1 type of orientational metaphor, and 6 types of ontological metaphors. The metaphors in these 3 song lyrics by Akimoto Yasushi have meaning, namely an invitation for poets to dare to speak out and have an opinion in choosing, not to be afraid of disputes and differences, and to invite them to live life according to their own will and not be controlled by others. The use of metaphors in Akimoto’s song lyrics shows the uniqueness and characteristics of the Keyakizaka46 idol group.

Keywords: Semantics; Conceptual Metaphors; Structural Metaphors; Orientational Metaphors; Ontological Metaphors.
Scope of the Article: Persian Language and Literature