Volume-5 Issue-10, June 2021
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Volume-5 Issue-10, June 2021, ISSN: 2394-0913 (Online)
Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication
Usage and Performance of Open Educational Resources among State Universities of Tamil Nadu Research Scholars
K.Sathish Kumar1, Irwan Fathurrochman2, M.Mahendraprabu3, R.Ramnath4, N.Sasi Kumar4
Mapping Cases of Violence Against Women and Children in Pekanbaru City
Susi Erlinda1, Sayyid Husein2, Ambiyar3, Triyani Arita Fitri4, Mardainis5
Randai as Cultural Identity Formation in Minangkabau
Hendri Jihadul Barkah
Policy Direction on Driving Population for Reducing Poverty in the West Sumatra Province
Teguh Widodo1, Iswandi Umar2, Ramadhani3, Suhatman4
KPO’s: India's Ascension to the Top of the World
Shishira Srinivasa1, L.Vijayashree2
Design and Application of Detection Damage Hardware to Your Computer with Certainty Factor
Fitri Ayu1, Dwi Sapta Aryatiningsih2, Ambiyar, Fahmi Rizal3, Anita Febriani4
The Ecosystem of Patient Support Programs (PSPs) in India
Shubhra Seal1, Arun Kumar S2, Gramle Amol3, Nafisa Vaz4
The Effect of Work Culture and Job Stress on Work Effectiveness PT Trakindo Utama Branch Palembang
Debby Anggraini1, Agustina Hanafi2, Yuliani3
A Comprehensive Study on Private Universities in Bangladesh: Ser vice Rules and Job Satisfaction
Mohammad Golam Moula1, Md. Obaidullah, Kamrunnahar2
Prof. Mounir El Khatib
Ph.D.(Management), M.Phil.(Management), M.Sc.(Com. Eng.) B.Sc.(Com. Eng.)
Associate Professor, Department of Management, Hamdan Bin Mohamad Smart University (Dubai), UAE.
Links: Google Scholar
Specialization: Digital Transformation, Project and Program Management, Information Technology
General Editors
Dr. Alimnazar Islamkulov
D.Sc.(Economics), Ph.D.(Economics), M.Sc.(Public Finance), B.Sc.(Finance)
Member of IEEE
Associate Professor, Department of Economy and Finance, The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan.
Links: Google Scholar
Specialization: Public Finance, Tax and Taxation, Public Funding
Dr. Ramu Nagarajapillai
Ph.D(Banking), M.F.M(Financial Management), M.Phil (Banking), M.Com(Banking & Cooperation)
Professor, Department of Commerce, Annamalai University Chidambaram (Tamil Nadu), India.
Links: Google Scholar, Elsevier SSRN, ORCID
Specialization: Banking, Cooperation & AMP, HRM
Associate Editors
Dr. P. Periasamy
Ph.D.(Management), M.Phil. (Management), MBA (Marketing & Finance)
Member of Elsevier
Associate Professor, Department of MBA Finance, CMS B School, Jain Deemed to be University, Bengaluru (Karnataka), India.
Links: Google Scholar, Elsevier, Research Gate
Specialization: Behavioural Finance
Dr. TR. Kalai Lakshmi
Ph.D.(Management), M.Phil.(Management), MBA (Management), M.A.(Public Administration)
Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Sathyabama institute of science and Technology, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India.
Links: Google Scholar, ORCID
Specialization: Retail Marketing, Relationship Management, Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention